Your Future Perfect Self

It’s not what you think. Excellencifying is not about achieving perfection, which is out of reach for finite, temporal beings like rational animals. It’s about how reflection on grammar can ground your relationship with a future version of you. Resist the temptation to run away at the mention of grammar. I’m not going to make […]

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Decision-making essentials

Decision-making is an essential task in managing our lives. We make scores of decisions every day, from the trivial all the way to life-changing — for ourselves and often for others. But how many of us have really thought about what’s involved in making a decision? What are the key ingredients? How does decision-making work? […]

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What Panpsychism tells us about Method

I recently read an interesting article about panpsychism: Briefly, panpsychism is the claim that “consciousness is inextricably linked to all matter.” If you’re trying to get your head around this idea, read Pullman’s His Dark Materials (one of my favorite works of fiction, incidentally). Pullman has created a world in which consciousness is thoroughly […]

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