Expect the Unexpected

“Expect the unexpected, or you will not find it — it cannot be searched for or found out.” This is one of my favorite quotations from the presocratic philosopher, Herakleitos. It’s a paradox: How do you know what to expect if it’s unexpected?  And if you somehow manage to expect the unexpected, it’s no longer […]

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The Talents

Prefer to listen? Here’s the podcast version of The Talents. Yesterday was the 24th Sunday after Pentecost, and this year the gospel reading was one of my favorite parables: The Talents (Matthew 25:14-30). The author of Matthew uses this parable to portray the End Times, a discussion begun by the disciples’ question “What will be […]

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The Woman at the Well

Wednesday, June 17, was the anniversary of the murder of the Emmanuel Nine, and churches across the country remembered the victims and their families and congregations. These moments of reflection on lives lost to hatred are particularly poignant at this historical moment, when many white people are awakening to the legacies of racism in our […]

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